May 21, 2009 Regular Meeting
Invocation (Carol Studdard) Pledge of Allegiance (Carol Studdard) Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Carol Vallencourt, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3; Frank Farrell, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District 5. Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of Regular Meeting & Disciplinary Hearings on 04-16-09Attachment: Disciplinary Hearing Minutes - 04-16-09.pdf (Confidential Item) Attachment: CCSB Meeting Minutes - 04-16-09.pdf School Board Attorney
3. C-2 Vacate and Set Aside Termination of Paula Kirk 4. C-3 Accept Resignation of Paula Kirk effective December 18, 2008Attachment: Resignation - PK.pdf Deputy Superintendent
5. C-4 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes 2008-09 and 2009-10Attachment: Allocation Summary 5-21-09.pdf 6. C-5 Waiver to the Commissioner of Education for Reduction of 2008-2009 School Year by One Day 7. C-6 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for 2009-2010Attachment: School - Daily Hours 2009-2010.pdf 8. C-7 Bradford County Agreement for 2009-2010Attachment: Bradford-Clay Agreement.pdf 9. C-8 Modify 2008-2009 Student/Employee Calendar for Oakleaf School Attachment: Calendar - Employee Work 2008-2009.pdf Attachment: Calendar - Student 2008-2009__.pdf Human Resources
10. C-9 Resolution for District Participation in Crown Consortium for 2009-2010Attachment: Crown.pdf 11. C-10 Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement Between Western Governors University and District School of Clay CountyAttachment: Western Governors University.pdf 12. C-11 Field Study Letter of Agreement between Argosy University and the Clay County School BoardAttachment: Argosy University.pdf Instruction
13. C-13 Co-Enrollee list for April 2009Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for April 2009.pdf (Confidential Item) 14. C-14 Contract for Supplemental Educational Services (SES)Attachment: 2009-2010 SES Contract (3).pdf 15. C-15 Student TravelAttachment: BOARD BACKUP-STUDENT TRAVEL-MAY, 21, 2009.pdf 16. C-16 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School UpdateAttachment: BLC.pdf 17. C-18 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Melissa Whitaker, Student Services Aide with Project R.E.A.C.H. pending approval of the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Grant for 2009-2010Attachment: Whitaker, M.pdf 18. C-19 Contract between the School Board of Clay County, the Clay County Health Department and, LLCAttachment: Schoolmeds.pdf 19. C-20 Grant(s) ApprovalAttachment: 20090512083936128.pdf Attachment: Perkins 2009-10 proposal.pdf 20. C-21 Compass Learning Contract 21. C-22 Continue contracting for Audiological services during school year 2009-2010.Attachment: Audiological Services Contract 2009 2010.pdf 22. C-23 Continue contract with Exceptional Consulting Services, Inc. for school year 2009-2010.Attachment: Exceptional Consulting Services 09 10.pdf 23. C-24 Continue contracting for Interpreter (Sign-Language) services for school year 2009-2010.Attachment: INTERPRETERS SERVICES _Sign Language_ CONTRACT 09 10.pdf 24. C-25 Continue contracting for mental health service for E/BD students with Clay Behavioral Health Center for school year 2009-2010.Attachment: CLAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 09 10.pdf 25. C-26 Continue MACs contract with School Board of Seminole County for school year 2009-2010.Attachment: Seminole County Contract 09-10pdf.pdf 26. C-27 Continue contract for IDEA required Parent services for school year 2009-2010.Attachment: PARENT LIAISON SERVICES CONTRACT 09 10.pdf 27. C-28 Amendment to the 2005-2010 Master Inservice PlanAttachment: 3-007-003 Blackboard Learn Class-Website Development.pdf Attachment: 3-007-004 Blackboard Learn-Course Development.pdf 28. C-29 Continue contract and agreement with Episcopal Children's Services/Head Start to provide services for ESE students as required by federal law for school year 2009-2010.Attachment: Episcopal Children's Head Start Contract 09 10.pdf 29. C-30 Approval of the 2009-2010 to 2011-2012 Exceptional Student Education Policies and Procedures Document (SP&P).Attachment: Clay SPP 2009-2012.pdf 30. C-31 2009-2010 Career Pathways Consortium Articulation AgreementAttachment: careerpathways1.pdf Attachment: careerpathways2.pdf Business Affairs
31. C-32 Warrants and Vouchers for APRIL, 2009Attachment: Warrants and Vouchers April, 2009.pdf 32. C-33 Monthly Property Report - April, 2009 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-April, 09.pdf 33. C-34 Monthly Property Report - April, 2009 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-April, 09.pdf 34. C-35 Monthly Property Report - April, 2009 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-April, 09.pdf 35. C-36 Monthly Property Report - April, 2009 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-April, 09.pdf 36. C-37 Deletion of Certain Items Report - May, 2009Attachment: Deletion Report-May, 2009.pdf Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachments)-May, 09.pdf 37. C-38 Monthly Financial Report for April, 2009Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL-Sum Cash-Apr,2009.pdf Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FINANCIAL APR, 2009-GREV.pdf Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FINANCIAL APR2009-GREXP.pdf Attachment: PAGE 4 MONTHLY FINANCIAL APR, 2009-DSREVEXP.pdf Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects APR2009.pdf Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project APR, 2009.pdf Attachment: PAGE 7 MONTHLY FINANCIAL APR, 2009-CAP PROJ FUNDS.pdf Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FINANCIAL MAR, 2009-FOOD SERVICE.pdf Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN APR, 2009-SPREV42X.pdf Attachment: PAGE 10 MONTHLY FIN APR, 2009-INSURANCE.pdf 38. C-39 Internal Funds Audits for the 2008-2009 Fiscal YearAttachment: auditors 2008-09.pdf 39. C-40 Permission to write off NSF checks at various schools for Food & Nutrition Services from 2007-2008 school year totaling $1,885.20Attachment: SFS20090512131920389.pdf 40. C-41 Auditor General's Report for the 2007-2008 AuditAttachment: audit report 6-30-08.pdf 41. C-42 YMCA Contract for Pryme Time From July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2013Attachment: YMCACONTRACT20090512142546064.pdf 42. C-43 Budget Amendments for the Month of April, 2009Attachment: AGENDA-budget impact stmt.pdf Attachment: General Fund - Revenue.pdf Attachment: General Fund - Appropriations.pdf Attachment: Debt Service Funds.pdf Attachment: Capital Projects.pdf Attachment: Special Revenue Funds - Other.pdf Attachment: Special Revenue Funds - Food Service.pdf Attachment: Internal Service Funds.pdf 43. C-44 Write off Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check at RVE and GPE 44. C-45 Bids to Be Awarded May 2009 45. C-46 Bid Renewals May 2009 46. C-47 Agreement between School Board and Sheriff’s Office for security servicesAttachment: 5_21_2009 Sheriff Agreement.pdf Support Services
47. C-48 Deductive Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for OakLeaf High SchoolAttachment: CO 4 OHS.pdf 48. C-49 Additive Change Order #5 for OakLeaf High SchoolAttachment: CO 5 OHS.pdf 49. C-50 Clay County Utility Authority Easement Agreement for OakLeaf High SchoolAttachment: CCUA OHS.pdf 50. C-51 2008-2009 Casualty Safety, Sanitation and Relocatable Inspection Reports for the School District's Educational FacilitiesAttachment: sref book cover page.pdf Attachment: AGE, CEB, CHE, CGE,DIS,FIE_ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: GPE, KHHE, LAE, LSE, MRE, MBE, MCE_ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: OLE, OPE, PES, RVE, SBJ, SPCE, TBE, TES, WEC, WIS_ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: BLC, GCSJH, KHHS, LAJH, LSJH, OPJH, WJH_JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: CHS, FHS, MHS, OPHS, RHS_HIGH SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: Ancillary Reports.pdf 51. C-52 Impact Fee ResolutionAttachment: Impact Fee Report Updated, 2-09.pdf Attachment: RESOLUTION IMPACT FEES 5,21,09.pdf 52. C-53 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 2 52109.pdf 53. C-54 Additive Change Order #3 to Install an Additional Chiller at Ridgeview High School.Attachment: CO 3.pdf 54. C-55 Substantial Completion to Install an Additional Chiller at Ridgeview High School 55. C-56 2008-2009 Fire Safety Inspection Report for the School District’s Educational Facilities.Attachment: 2008-09 Fire Safety Inspection Cover Page Landscape Setting.pdf Attachment: AGE, CEB, CHE, CGE, DIS, FIE _ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: GPE, KHE, LAE, LSE, MRE, MBE, MCE _ ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: OLE, OPE, PES, RVE, SBJ, SPCE, TBE, TES, WEC, WIS _ ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.pdf Attachment: JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS FIRE REPORT.pdf Attachment: Senior High Schools Fire Reports.pdf Attachment: Ancillary Fire Reports.pdf 56. C-57 Revised Governors Park AgreementAttachment: Governors Park Agreement Rev 1 5,21,09.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda57. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items Minutes: Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of C-12 and C-17 which were pulled to Discussion and C-21 which was withdrawn.
Motions: | Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards58. Recognize State and International Science and Engineering Fair Winners - Brenda Weeks and Sharon Chapman 59. Recognize Regional Volunteer of the Year Winner Minutes: Melodee Hohrath, Ridgeview Elementary School, was recognized as the Outstanding School Volunteer for 2008-2009.
60. Recognize Students with Perfect Attendance Scheduled Citizen Requests Presenters Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
61. Public Hearing - Amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-5.02 General PoliciesAttachment: CCSB - Amendment 5.02 General Policies.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to this item.
Motions: | Approve policy changes as advertised. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
62. Public Hearing - Amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-4.04 DisciplineAttachment: CCSB - Amendment 4.04 Discipline.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held, Mrs. Chapman explained the change in procedure.
Motions: | Approve policy amendments as advertised. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Frank Farrell | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
63. Budget Information Minutes: Mr. Wortham clarified the misconception that the Legislature came through on the budget. The federal stimulus money, which is non-recurring funds, is being used as the "backbone" of our budget. Stimulus money is being used to supplant rather than supplement education. By using 50% now and 50% next year the Legislature is hoping that after 2 years the Florida economy will turn around and state funds will fill in the hole that the stimulus funds are now filling. We will be able to create a balanced budget and a minimum 3% fund balance which is required by law. There will be no lottery money this year. These funds were used to support the salaries of P.E. and Art programs, and we may receive another holdback next year. Other topics discussed were the Clay's declining enrollment, the shift in capital outlay funds, required local effort and the option for the Board to levy .25 mil for one year.
Human Resources
64. C-12 (McCabe) Personnel Consent AgendaAttachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 5-21-09.pdf Attachment: REVISED Support Section VI B Redesignations.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda as presented, with revisions provided to the Board | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
65. Human Resources - Special Action "A"Attachment: HR Special Action A 5-21-09.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Approve the action as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
66. Human Resources - Special Action "B"Attachment: HR Special Action B 5-21-09.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Approve the action as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Frank Farrell | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
67. C-17 (Van Zant) Florida Virtual School ContractAttachment: Florida Virtual School Contract.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Chapman clarified implementation of Virtual School, mandated by State Statute for 2009-2010.
Motions: | Approve contract as submitted | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Carol Vallencourt | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
68. Public Hearing - Approve, as advertised, the 2009-2010 Elementary and Secondary Code of Student ConductAttachment: Elementary Code 2009-10.pdf Attachment: Secondary Code 2009-10.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to this item.
Motions: | Approve, as advertised, the 2009-2010 Elementary and Secondary Code of Student Conduct | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Frank Farrell | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience69. Speakers Minutes: 1. Liz Crane, President CCEA, spoke on the budget
2. Felicia Johnson, Dorothy Smith and Nancy Klopfenstein spoke on allocation changes
2. Rodney Williams Faith Life Church - Rates for Use of Facilities
3. Ken Carter, outgoing President of CESPA, gave brief a report, thank you's and farewell
Superintendent Requests70. Dress Code Minutes: Mr. Wortham briefly discussed the new Dress Code (grades 7-12) effective for the 2009-2010 school year. The code is available on the website.
School Board's Requests71. Discuss Creation of an Energy Policy Minutes: Mr. Van Zant suggested: 1) looking into the creation of an energy policy for our schools, 2) a followup on hiring a consultant to look at our energy usage and 3) making a comparison of energy initiatives with St. Johns County. Discussion followed on directives and initiatives already in place in Clay County through our Support Services Division.
72. Comments Minutes:
- Mrs. Vallencourt provided copies of the Master Board Program to the Board members.
- Mr. Farrell briefly reminded the public of the excellent and conservative fiscal practices of Clay County that allowed us to get through an impossible period of time. Kudos to everyone.
- Mr. Van Zant reminded the Board that he would be out of town July 5-19, 2009 (2 weeks) during some of the budget meetings. He also reminded them of the Executive Session following the regular meeting on June 18, 2009.
Adjournment (8:55 p.m.) |